In 2013, Omius founder Gustavo Cadena was a student in Engineering and Physics at Tec de Monterrey. Living in one of the hottest cities in Mexico, Gustavo quickly grew tired of overheating under the scorching sun and decided to use his research to explore how we might better adapt to the heat.
Through his work, he realized that clothing was one major culprit. Textiles are thermal insulators. Their absence is what cools the body. The coolest fabrics on the market are gossamer thin and dotted with holes to maximize airflow. But there's a limit!
After countless hours of prototyping with thermoelectric modules, a soft robotic jacket, and even a motorcycle jacket with an air conditioner; he landed on what he thinks is the most efficient way of cooling the body. Inspired by the way we cool computers and engines, he developed a material specially designed to cool the human skin by acting as a heat sink.
Worn by Olympic and Ironman champions, our Omius headgear is the first step in applying this new technology. More applications are on their way, as part of our mission to help humans adapt to an increasingly warmer planet.